Source code for subui.validators

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import inspect

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.core.urlresolvers import Resolver404, resolve
from django.template.response import SimpleTemplateResponse
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit

[docs]class BaseValidator(object): """ Base validator which should be sub-classed to create custom validators. :var tuple BaseValidator.expected_attrs: Required attributes for the validator. :py:meth:`_check_improper_configuration` will verify that all of these attributes are defined. .. note:: Each validator should only define required attributes for itself. :py:meth:`_get_expected_attrs` will automatically return required attributes from all current validator and base classes. :param test_step: :py:class:`subui.step.TestStep` instance which will be used to make assertions on. .. note:: This parameter is not really required in the ``__init__`` because the same step will be passed in :py:meth:`test` however is useful in ``__init__`` in case subclass validator needs to apply custom login according to values from the ``step``. """ expected_attrs = None def __init__(self, test_step=None, **kwargs): self.step = test_step self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) def _get_expected_attrs(self): """ Get all required/expected attributes as defined by :py:attr:`expected_attrs` from all current and base classes. For example:: class Validator1(BaseValidator): expected_attr = ('foo', 'bar') class Validator2(Validator1): expected_attr = ('hello', 'world') > validator = Validator2() > validator._get_expected_attrs() ['foo', 'bar', 'hello', 'world'] :rtype: list """ bases = inspect.getmro(self.__class__) attrs = set() for base in bases: attrs |= set(getattr(base, 'expected_attrs', None) or set()) return list(sorted(attrs)) def _check_improper_configuration(self): """ Check that the validator is configured correctly by verifying that all attributes as returned by :py:meth:`_get_expected_attrs` are defined. :raises ImproperlyConfigured: If any of the required attributes are not defined. """ for attr in self._get_expected_attrs(): if not getattr(self, attr, None): msg = '{} requires to define {}' raise ImproperlyConfigured( msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, attr) ) def _get_base_error_message(self): """ Get base error message which will be used in assertions """ msg = 'Response for {{{key}:{step}}} requesting "{url}"' msg = msg.format( key=self.step.step_key, step=self.step.__class__.__name__, url=self.step.get_url(), ) return msg
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test the step's server response by making all the necessary assertions. This method by default saves the ``test_step`` parameter into :py:attr:`step` and validates the validator by using :py:meth:`_check_improper_configuration`. All subclass validators should actually implement assertions in this method. :param test_step: Test step """ self.step = test_step self._check_improper_configuration()
[docs]class HeaderValidator(BaseValidator): """ Validator which can check that a particular header is returned and that it is of particular value. :var str HeaderValidator.header_name: Name of the header which must be returned :var str expected_header: Expected header value to be returned :var bool HeaderValidator.test_header_value: Whether to test the header value or simply check its existence :var test_contains_value: Whether to test if the header value contains another value, or simply check equality to that value """ expected_attrs = ('header_name', 'expected_header',) header_name = None expected_header = None test_header_value = True test_contains_value = False def _get_expected_attrs(self): """ Get all expected attributes except remove "expected_header" if :py:attr:`test_header_value` is ``False``. """ attrs = super(HeaderValidator, self)._get_expected_attrs() if not self.test_header_value: attrs.remove('expected_header') return attrs
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test the response returned with :py:attr:header_name header and that its value is equal to :py:attr:expected_header if :py:attr:test_header_value is True. If :py:attr:test_contains_value is True, header value will be tested to contain expected value. """ super(HeaderValidator, self).test(test_step) if self.test_contains_value: self.test_header_value = False self.step.test.assertIn( self.header_name, self.step.response, '{} must contain {} header' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.header_name) ) if self.test_header_value: self.test_contains_value = False self.step.test.assertEqual( self.step.response[self.header_name], self.expected_header, '{} returned header {} with value {} != {}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.header_name, self.step.response[self.header_name], self.expected_header) ) if self.test_contains_value: self.step.test.assertIn( self.expected_header, self.step.response[self.header_name], '{} returned header {} with value {} which doesnt contain {}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.header_name, self.step.response[self.header_name], self.expected_header) )
[docs]class HeaderContentTypeValidator(HeaderValidator): """ Validator to check that the expected "Content-Type" header is returned. """ header_name = 'Content-Type'
[docs]class HeaderLocationValidator(HeaderValidator): """ Validator to check that the redirect "Location" header is returned """ header_name = 'Location'
[docs]class StatusCodeValidator(BaseValidator): """ Validator which allows to verify the returned server status code such as "OK-200" or "Redirect-302", etc. :var int StatusCodeValidator.expected_status_code: Expected status code to be returned by the server """ expected_attrs = ('expected_status_code',) expected_status_code = None
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test that the response status code matched expected status code. """ super(StatusCodeValidator, self).test(test_step) self.step.test.assertEqual( self.step.response.status_code, self.expected_status_code, '{} returned with status code {} != {}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.step.response.status_code, self.expected_status_code) )
[docs]class StatusCodeCreatedValidator(StatusCodeValidator): """ Validator to check that the returned status code is created - 201 """ expected_status_code = 201
[docs]class StatusCodeOkValidator(StatusCodeValidator): """ Validator to check that the returned status code is OK - 200 """ expected_status_code = 200
[docs]class StatusCodeRedirectValidator(HeaderLocationValidator, StatusCodeValidator): """ Validator to check that the server returns a redirect with the "Location" header defined. """ expected_status_code = 302 test_header_value = False
[docs]class RedirectToRouteValidator(StatusCodeRedirectValidator): """ Validator which also checks that the server returns a redirect to an expected Django route. :var str expected_route_name: Route name to which the server should redirect to """ expected_attrs = ('expected_route_name',) expected_route_name = None
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test the response by additionally testing that the response redirects to an expected route as defined by :py:attr:`expected_route_name`. """ super(RedirectToRouteValidator, self).test(test_step) location = self.step.response['Location'] # remove schema, query string and host from URL. Since query string need to be removed to properly resolve that url location = urlunsplit(('', '', urlsplit(location).path, '', '')) try: redirected_to_route = resolve(location).view_name except Resolver404: msg = '{} returned a redirect to "{}" which cannot be resolved', location)) self.step.test.assertEqual( redirected_to_route, self.expected_route_name, '{} returned redirect to route {} != {}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), redirected_to_route, self.expected_route_name) )
[docs]class ResponseContentContainsValidator(StatusCodeOkValidator): """ Validator which also checks that returned response content contains expect string. :var str expected_content: Expected string in the server response """ expected_attrs = ('expected_content',) expected_content = None
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test the response by additionally testing that the response context contains expected string as defined by :py:attr:`expected_content`. """ super(ResponseContentContainsValidator, self).test(test_step) self.step.test.assertIn( self.expected_content, # need to decode since content is binary self.step.response.content.decode('utf-8'), '{} does not contain {!r} in its content' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.expected_content) )
[docs]class ResponseContentNotContainsValidator(StatusCodeOkValidator): """ Validator checks that returned response content does not contain unexpected string. :var str unexpected_content: Unexpected string in the server response """ expected_attrs = ('unexpected_content',) unexpected_content = None
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test the response by additionally testing that the response context does not contain the unexpected string as defined by :py:attr:`unexpected_content`. """ super(ResponseContentNotContainsValidator, self).test(test_step) self.step.test.assertNotIn( self.unexpected_content, # need to decode since content is binary self.step.response.content.decode('utf-8'), 'UnexpectedContentFound: {} contains {!r} in its content. ' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.unexpected_content) )
[docs]class SessionDataValidator(BaseValidator): """ Validator which allows to verify the data in the session based on session key. :var str expected_session_key: Expected session key to be present in session :var list expected_session_secondary_keys: List of Expected session key to be present in session """ expected_attrs = ('expected_session_key',) expected_session_key = None expected_session_secondary_keys = []
[docs] def test(self, test_step): """ Test that expected session key is present. If expected session data provided, ensure the expected session key data matches what is there currently. """ super(SessionDataValidator, self).test(test_step) self.step.test.assertIn( self.expected_session_key, self.step.response.wsgi_request.session.keys(), '{} does not contain session[{!r}].' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.expected_session_key) ) if self.expected_session_secondary_keys: self.step.test.assertIsInstance( self.step.response.wsgi_request.session[self.expected_session_key], dict, '{} session[{!r}] is not a dictionary hence cannot contain secondary keys.' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.expected_session_key) ) # Make sure secondary keys are not empty. for secondary_key in self.expected_session_secondary_keys: self.step.test.assertIn( secondary_key, self.step.response.wsgi_request.session[self.expected_session_key].keys(), '{} does not contain session[{!r}][{!r}].' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.expected_session_key, secondary_key) ) self.step.test.assertIsNotNone( self.step.response.wsgi_request.session[self.expected_session_key][secondary_key], '{} contains session[{!r}][{!r}] but is empty.' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.expected_session_key, secondary_key) )
[docs]class FormInitialDataValidator(BaseValidator): """ Validator checks that form in response has expected data in initial data. :var str initial_data_key: Expected initial data key to be present in form initial data :var expected_initial_data_value: Expected value initial value should be set to :var str context_data_form_name: Template context data key for form data :var bool test_initial_value: Test if the initial value matched expected value :var bool test_initial_value_present: Test if the initial value key is present in initial data :var bool test_initial_value_not_none: Test if the initial value is not ``None`` """ expected_attrs = ('initial_data_key',) initial_data_key = None expected_initial_data_value = None context_data_form_name = 'form' test_initial_value = False test_initial_value_present = True test_initial_value_not_none = True
[docs] def test(self, test_step): super(FormInitialDataValidator, self).test(test_step) self.step.test.assertIsInstance( self.step.response, SimpleTemplateResponse, '{} did not return SimpleTemplateResponse ' 'and as such response.context_data is not accessible. ' 'It returned {!r}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), type(self.step.response)) ) self.step.test.assertIn( self.context_data_form_name, self.step.response.context_data, '{} did not render with {!r} in its context_data' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.context_data_form_name) ) self.step.test.assertIsInstance( self.step.response.context_data[self.context_data_form_name].initial, dict, '{} did not render with the context_data[{!r}].initial being a dictionary' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.context_data_form_name) ) if self.test_initial_value_present: self.step.test.assertIn( self.initial_data_key, self.step.response.context_data[self.context_data_form_name].initial.keys(), '{} did not render with {!r} in the context_data[{!r}].initial. ' 'Provided keys - {!r}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.initial_data_key, self.context_data_form_name, self.step.response.context_data[self.context_data_form_name].initial.keys()) ) if self.test_initial_value_not_none: self.step.test.assertIsNotNone( self.step.response.context_data['form'].initial[self.initial_data_key], '{} rendered with {!r} for context_data[{!r}].initial[{!r}]' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), None, self.context_data_form_name, self.initial_data_key) ) if self.test_initial_value: self.step.test.assertEqual( self.step.response.context_data['form'].initial[self.initial_data_key], self.expected_initial_data_value, '{} rendered with context_data[{!r}].initial[{!r}] = {} != {}' ''.format(self._get_base_error_message(), self.context_data_form_name, self.initial_data_key, self.step.response.context_data['form'].initial[self.initial_data_key], self.expected_initial_data_value) )