Source code for subui.step

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import inspect
import sys
import unittest
from collections import OrderedDict

import six
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import override_settings

from .validators import BaseValidator

[docs]class TestStep(object): """ Test step for :py:class:`subui.test_runner.SubUITestRunner`. The step is responsible for executing a self-contained task such as submitting a form to a particular URL and then make assertions regarding the server response. :var unittest.TestCase TestStep.test: Test class instance with which validators are going to run all their assertions with. By default it is an instance of :py:class:`unittest.TestCase` however can be changed to any other class to add additional assertion methods. :var str url_name: Name of the url as defined in ```` by which the URL is going to be calculated. :var tuple url_args: URL args to be used while calculating the URL using Django's ``reverse``. :var dict url_kwargs: URL kwargs to be used while calculating the URL using Django's ``reverse``. :var str request_method: HTTP method to use for the request. Default is ``"post"`` :var str urlconf: Django URL Configuration. :var str content_type: Content-Type of the request. :var dict overriden_settings: Dictionary of settings to be overriden for the test request. :var dict data: Data to be sent to the server in the request :var pycontext.context.Context state: Reference to a global state from the test runner. :var list TestStep.validators: List of response validators :var response: Server response for the made request. This attribute is only available after :py:meth:`request` is called. :param kwargs: A dictionary of values which will overwrite any instance attributes. This allows to pass additional data to the test step without necessarily subclassing and manually instantiating step instance. :type kwargs: dict """ test = unittest.TestCase('__init__') url_name = None url_args = None url_kwargs = None urlconf = None content_type = None overriden_settings = None request_method = 'post' state = None data = None validators = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def init(self, client, steps, step_index, step_key, state): """ Initialize the step with necessary values from the test runner. :param client: Django test client to use to make server requests :type client: django.test.client.Client :param steps: All steps from the test runner. This and step index allows to get previous and/or next steps. :type steps: collections.OrderedDict :param step_index: Index of the step within all steps test runner will execute. :type step_index: int :param step_key: Key of the state of how it was provided to the test runner in case test step needs to reference other steps within the runner by their. :type step_key: str :param state: Global state reference from the test runner. :type state: platform_utils.utils.dt_context.BaseContext """ self.client = client self.steps = steps self.step_index = step_index self.step_key = step_key self.state = state
@property def prev_steps(self): """ Get :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of previous steps excluding itself, if any. .. note:: The steps are returned in order of adjacency from the current step. For example (using list instead of OrederedDict in example):: > step = TestStep() > step.steps = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] > step.step_index = 3 > step.prev_steps [2, 1, 0] :rtype: :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` """ return OrderedDict(list(self.steps.items())[:self.step_index][::-1]) @property def next_steps(self): """ Get :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of next steps excluding itself, if any. :rtype: :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` """ return OrderedDict(list(self.steps.items())[self.step_index + 1:]) @property def prev_step(self): """ Get previous step instance, if any. :rtype: :py:class:`TestStep` """ prev_steps = list(self.prev_steps.values()) return prev_steps[0] if prev_steps else None @property def next_step(self): """ Get previous step instance, if any. :rtype: :py:class:`TestStep` """ next_steps = list(self.next_steps.values()) return next_steps[0] if next_steps else None
[docs] def get_urlconf(self): """ Get ``urlconf`` which will be used to compute the URL using ``reverse`` By default this returns :py:attr:`urlconf`, if defined, else None :rtype: str """ return self.urlconf or None
[docs] def get_override_settings(self): """ Get ``overriden_settings`` which will be used to decorate the request with the defined settings to be overriden. By default this returns :py:attr:`overriden_settings`, if defined, else empty dict :rtype: dict """ return self.overriden_settings or {}
[docs] def get_url_args(self): """ Get ``url_args`` which will be used to compute the URL using ``reverse``. By default this returns :py:attr:`url_args`, if defined, else empty tuple. :rtype: tuple """ return self.url_args or tuple()
[docs] def get_url_kwargs(self): """ Get ``url_kwargs`` which will be used to compute the URL using ``reverse``. By default this returns :py:attr:`url_kwargs`, if defined, else empty dict. :rtype: dict """ return self.url_kwargs or {}
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Compute the URL to request using Django's ``reverse``. Reverse is called using :py:attr:`url_name`, :py:meth:`get_url_args` and :py:meth:`get_url_args`. :rtype: str """ return reverse(self.url_name, args=self.get_url_args(), kwargs=self.get_url_kwargs(), urlconf=self.get_urlconf())
[docs] def get_content_type(self): """ Get ``content_type`` which will be used when making the test request. By default this returns :py:attr:`content_type`, if defined, else empty string. :rtype: str """ return self.content_type or ''
[docs] def get_request_data(self, data=None): """ Get data dict to be sent to the server. :param data: Data to be used while sending server request. If not defined, :py:attr:`data` is returned. :rtype: dict """ return ( if data is None else data) or {}
[docs] def get_request_kwargs(self): """ Get kwargs to be passed to the :py:attr:`client`. By default this returns dict of format:: { 'path': ..., 'data': ... } Can be overwritten in case additional parameters need to be passed to the client to make the request. :rtype: dict """ kwargs = { 'path': self.get_url(), 'data': self.get_request_data(), } content_type = self.get_content_type() if content_type: kwargs['content_type'] = content_type return kwargs
[docs] def get_validators(self): """ Get all validators. By default returns :py:attr:`validators` however can be used as a hook to returns additional validators dynamically. :rtype: list """ return self.validators
[docs] def request(self): """ Make the server request. Server response is then saved in :py:attr:`request`. Before making the request, :py:meth:`pre_request_hook` is called and :py:meth:`post_request_hook` is called after the request. :returns: server response """ self.pre_request_hook() try: with override_settings(**self.get_override_settings()): self.response = (getattr(self.client, self.request_method) (**self.get_request_kwargs())) except Exception: validator = BaseValidator(self) e_type, e, e_traceback = sys.exc_info() msg = ('{} failed:\n\n{}' ''.format(validator._get_base_error_message(), six.text_type(e))) cls = type(e_type.__name__, (Exception,), {}) six.reraise( cls, cls(msg), e_traceback ) self.post_request_hook() return self.response
[docs] def test_response(self): """ Test the server response by looping over all validators as returned by :py:meth:`get_validators`. Before assertions, :py:meth:`pre_test_response` is called and :py:meth:`post_test_response` is called after assertions. """ self.pre_test_response() for validator in self.get_validators(): if inspect.isclass(validator): validator(self).test(self) else: validator.test(self) self.post_test_response()
[docs] def pre_test_response(self): """ Hook which is executed before validating the response. """
[docs] def post_test_response(self): """ Hook which is executed after validating the response. """
[docs] def pre_request_hook(self): """ Hook which is executed before server request is sent. """
[docs] def post_request_hook(self): """ Hook which is executed after server request is sent. """
[docs]class StatefulUrlParamsTestStep(TestStep): """ Test step same as :py:class:`TestStep` except it references ``url_args`` and ``url_kwargs`` from the state. Having url computed from the state, allows for a particular step to change ``url_args`` or ``url_kwargs`` hence future steps will fetch different resources. """
[docs] def get_url_args(self): """ Get URL args for Django's ``reverse`` Similar to :py:meth:`TestStep.get_url_args` except url args are retrieved by default from state and if not available get args from class attribute. :returns: tuple of url_args """ args = super(StatefulUrlParamsTestStep, self).get_url_args() return self.state.get('url_args', args)
[docs] def get_url_kwargs(self): """ Get URL kwargs fpr Django's ``reverse`` Similar to :py:meth:`TestStep.get_url_kwargs` except url args are retrieved by default from state and if not available get kwargs from class attribute. :returns: dict of url_kwargs """ kwargs = super(StatefulUrlParamsTestStep, self).get_url_kwargs() return self.state.get('url_kwargs', kwargs)